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Ubi Maior
Regatta 80 mm High Load Block - Single - Tolron
Ubi Maior Blocks
Designed for the new generation of increasingly performant cruisers, the Ubi Maior blocks follow a new lay-out, which foresees the use of shackles to be fixed, and are guaranteed to meet the highest strength, versatility and design criteria. The whole block is made to the highest resistance and reliability standards as each component is manufactured by machining and no structural parts are cast or molded.
Destined to vessels more performing, the RT REGATA Block range, collects 30 years of evolution of this type of product. These products are able to withstand high loads while maintaining its low friction ability.
The RT ULTRA Block are an evolution of the RT REGATA line, but its elements are lighter, smaller and can bear much higher loads thanks to textile attachments that are centralised in relation to the load. EVE blocks are the answer to the neverending quest for incredible resistance and lightness required by the most demanding professional racing boats and crews.
On X3M FLIGHT Block, the load is centralized, thus releasing both the primary and the trasversal loads on technopolymer bearings, which allow for incredbly heavy loads (even static) and no maintenance. The unidirectional covered Dyneema loop acts on an aluminum/inox body (with an aluminum/titanium option), holding the bearing. All the aluminum elements are silver ion-anodized to prevent bacterial growths or mold on the loop. The body, made of POM.C resin, carries the rigging and holds the loop, thanks to a VELCRO® strap. The block is fixed by a steel T-Bone. This product received the Quality Design Award at Sea-Tec in Carrara.
Designed for the new generation of increasingly performant cruisers, the blocks in the YACHT CLUB Block series follow a new lay-out, which foresees the use of shackles to be fixed, and are guaranteed to meet the highest strength, versatility and design criteria. The whole block is made to the highest resistance and reliability standards as each component is manufactured by machining and no structural parts are cast or molded.
MAURIPRO Sailing, your direct access to Ubi Maior Blocks and all your other sailing and boating needs.